Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Pam attempts to brew a love potion

Pam typed “Love Potion” into Witchipedia. After skimming the article for a few minutes, she muttered, “Dang it, this is just a general article on love potions. I need specifics! Ah, here we go, ‘List of Love Potions.’” She began skimming through the formulas of the various specific types of love potion. Pam was rather limited in what she could brew; she did not possess the witching way, and the only alchemical ingredients she had on hand were those included in the My First Alchemy Kit she kept in her filing cabinet. Finally, she found a potion that she was capable of creating.

“Desire Fulfilled,” Pam read aloud, “will transform whoever drinks it into the object of her potential lover’s most immediate desire. Perfect!” She quickly scrolled over the “Dangers” section to print out the alchemical formula, and quickly set to work brewing the potion in her coffee mug.

Within half an hour, she was done mixing reagents. “I’m almost done! I just have to whisper Tim’s name into the brew, heat it to 90°C in the break room’s microwave, and drink it!” Pam scampered out of her office with the brew firmly in hand when she again saw Tim, who was chatting with his friend and fellow salesman Joe Barnett about the Yankees game Tim had gone to that weekend. Although neither of them took any notice of Pam, she still blushed and averted her eyes as she passed.

“Tim Weathers,” Pam whispered into the brew before placing it gently in the microwave. After microwaving for several minutes, there was a bright flash of green flame that Pam knew meant the potion was completed. She took it out and held the steaming mug of glowing green fluid in her hands. “Finally, Tim will be mine, and I’ll be in a normal, healthy sexual relationship!” Pam declared and then chugged the potion in several quick gulps.

After she swallowed the potion, she had to struggle to suppress her gag reflex. “Ugh, that stuff is awful,” she said. “I wonder if it worked. Will Tim really think I’m sexy now?”

Suddenly, a strange tingling sensation began to spread throughout her body. “Whuh… what’s happening?” was all Pam had time to ask before she noticed that her arms were shrinking into her shoulders, and her clothes seemed to be growing larger. No, that wasn’t right… she was getting smaller!

As her body continued to warp and shrink, her clothes fell off of her in a heap and Pam noticed that they began to change as well. “Help,” Pam gasped as her body temperature rose and a pleasant, familiar aroma began to fill the room. She wiggled her fingers as they oozed into her long tube-like body and vanished. Her ponytail, which now reached the floor, began to feel warm and fluffy behind her as it grew into a new shape, and she noticed that her skin took on a smooth, shiny texture.

Pam felt humiliated and terrified by the enormous, alien dimensions the break room took on as she continued to shrink. Her clothes, she realized, had transformed into some kind of paper boat underneath her feet. When she tried to run away, she realized that her legs had fused together, and clumsily fell onto her back. Before she struck the ground, however, she landed on the warm, fluffy thing her ponytail had transformed into, which wrapped around her.

“…a hotdog bun?” Pam wondered before her lips sealed shut and her facial features oozed into the tube of meat she had become. Oh my god, Pam thought. Did I turn into a hotdog? She shuddered with undeniable sexual pleasure as her insides transformed into soft, pink hotdog meat. She felt like the entirety of her piping hot, delicious body was a clitoris. She wiggled weakly in her warm, fluffy hotdog bun, and was overcome by waves of pleasure.

But why didn’t my potion work? Pam wondered. And what am I going to do now?

Suddenly, Tim entered the break room. When his eyes met Pam, he did a double-take and looked completely baffled. Tim, it’s me! Pam! You need to help me!

“What the hell?” Tim wondered aloud. I drank a potion, but something went wrong, and– “Why would someone leave a hotdog on the floor of the break room?”

Oh my god, Pam thought. He can’t hear me! Oh no… is he looking at me with… hunger?! Pam was horrified to realize that she found the prospect of being eaten simultaneously terrifying and arousing. She struggled to escape but realized she could no longer even manage to wiggle.

“This is exactly like the ballpark hotdogs they sell at Yankee Stadium. I’ve been craving another one of these all day… This is so weird,” Tim said as he picked Pam up and smelled her.

Surely Tim wouldn’t just eat a hotdog off of the floor, Pam thought, but then she realized that her clothes had transformed into a small paper hotdog tray, keeping her bun clean. After glancing out the door to make sure nobody was coming, Tim picked Pam and her bun up out of her tray. Oh no, he’s going to do it!

When Tim chomped into the meat tube that her feet had turned into, it was the most deliriously pleasurable sensation Pam had ever felt. Oh yes, eat me, eat me! Tim quickly scarfed her down until there was only one bite left of her. She had never felt more small, vulnerable, and pathetic. Even the waves of ecstatic sexual pleasure coursing through her served to make her feel more tiny and helpless. She was only a tiny chunk of hotdog, and soon her fate would be sealed.

Tim popped what was left of Pam into his mouth. Inside, she felt the pleasure of a hundred orgasms as Tim’s teeth noisily ground her into mush. It was so wet and warm and dark inside and she wanted the experience of being chewed up to last forever, but too soon, Tim’s enormous, muscular tongue swept the mush that was Pam down his throat. With a splat, Pam landed on the pulped up remnants of the previous bites Tim had taken out of her, and slid slowly into a warm pool of fluid.

Although her pleasure had peaked in Tim’s mouth, the fizzling sensation of the stomach acids against Pam’s sloppy mush-body was still quite calming, and she continued pleasantly convulsing from the aftershock of the chewing experience for what may have been hours. Suddenly, she realized with a start that her already sloppy mush-body was quickly becoming even sloppier and mushier.

Oh my gosh, Pam realized, I’m being digested! Suddenly, a much softer, sloppier Pam was sucked down under the acid pool. She felt like she was slowly floating through a lazy river at a waterpark, full of twists and turns, occasionally bumping into walls and constantly being tickled by an army of tiny, wiggling fingers. It was pleasant enough, but it felt like the fingers were taking something away from her, and she was beginning to fear what was going to become of her.

Pam will…

...wait to see what happens next

...try to communicate

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